Rama Ibrahim



Email: [email protected]
Office: 3607 MHRA


Rama began working with Beyond Academics in the Spring of 2023. She serves as a community and support staff student employee for the ICS program. Rama started at UNC Greensboro the past Fall semester after transferring from Guilford Technical Community College (GTCC) and earning her associate in science degree. She is currently a junior dedicated to pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition & Wellness and was really happy to land an opportunity to help students with intellectual disabilities. She is currently supporting third and fourth-year students by helping ensure that they get the recognition needed for a successful college experience. Rama simply wants to make them feel that they have a safe place and support system not only on-campus but also off-campus and whenever needed. 


Research Interests

Social and Racial Injustice, Stress and Wellness, and Mental Health

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